Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Pulmonary Rehab

Today's first session went awesome!

Last week I basically did a few machines for a couple minutes just so they could get the right settings for me and I left feeling completely wiped out and went home and fell asleep.

Today, I did all the machines I was supposed to do for the alloted time PLUS the cool down exercises at the end and I have to say I felt pretty good about the whole experience. I'm not going to say I wasn't tired, because I am and I will definitely sleep well tonight and probably be sore tomorrow but over all I feel I did a lot better than last week and I can't wait to go back! It can only get better from here.

I must admit though that I am like the youngest person they have going to pulmonary rehab...everyone around me is like 75 or older and they (the other patients) look at me with that sad face like "oh why is she here she is so young??" Oh well! :)

Tomorrow, I have to go grocery shopping to get all the yummy food I plan on making for the party tomorrow night. The house is already cleaned so the cooking is really the only thing left to do.

I probably won't write anything tomorrow so I hope everyone has a fun/safe New Year's Eve and I will post pictures of our party probably on Thursday or Friday!!



Alicia said...

I'm so glad it was a great experience. Sounds really cool.

OceanDesert said...

I know what you mean about the oldies in PR!!! I also found that look about every where else I went when I was on O2 tho! I replied to your email on Myspace... I am SO sorry, I JUST saw it today! Bummer on the flat tire! I would have needed to call for help too! Glad it didn't stop ya from going to work out!! yay!