Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I am done with my ABX!!!

Well, today was my last day on abx. One of my nurse friends came over at 8:00pm after she got off of work to de-access my medi-port. It feels SO nice to have that dressing tape off my skin. It gets very irritated by the end.

I have also been checking Sara's blog pretty regularly today and she seems to be doing phenomenal besides the obvious pain of a MAJOR surgery. I am so very happy for her and her husband that she got the call and she is doing so well. Please remember to keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers as she continues to get stronger.



Cara said...

Congrats on being done with your ABX! I know it feels great to have that over with! :)

Isn't it SO much fun being newlyweds?! Happy anniversary, about a month late! :)

Danielle in MO said...

yeah that you are done with abx.... back to a little normal sleeping now..right?! Sara's story is amazing... and just think your blog will be filld with stories of tx one day!! You better gear up your hubby for filling in for you!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen,

That's great news about your friend Sara. When is your trip to Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure?
